

Complex multidisciplinary treatment for patients with temporo-mandibular disorders.


  • Valeriu Fala, ScD, Univ. Prof., Corresponding member of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova, coordinator, Department of therapeutic dentistry, SUMPh ”Nicolae Testemitanu” Team: Bordeniuc Gheorghe, PhD, Assist. Prof., Department of therapeutic dentistry, SUMPh ”Nicolae Testemitanu” Gavriliuc Pavel, neurologist, Assist. Prof., Department of Neurology no. 2, SUMPh ”Nicolae Testemitanu” Cebotari Vasile, kinetotherapist, Assist. Prof., State University of Physical Education and Sport






Dental Medicine, Workshops

Temporomandibular disorders are one of the most widespread orofacial pain disorders globally. An efficient management of these disorders implies a multidisciplinary collaboration between different medical specialties, at the diagnosis stage, as well for treatment planning and execution. Modern approaches require the standardization of diagnostic stages, the execution of additional diagnostic investigations based on clinical needs (degree and extent of symptom expression), as well as the development of sequential and staged multidisciplinary treatment plan (Theoretical presentation, Powerpoint). Practical demonstration – clinical exam (DC/TMD protocol), additional posturological and electromyographical exam. Demonstration of stages of functional-instrumental diagnosis for executing reversible occlusal therapy (occlusal splints). Each participant will do a practical clinical exam according to DC/TMD protocol

Other Workshops

The Holistic Approach in Oncology Care
time 15:00-17:30 offline adress Institutul Oncologic

The workshop aims to focus on an integrated and holistic approach to oncology patient care. Participants will learn to understand not only the medical aspects of the disease, but also the psychological, social and emotional impact of cancer on patients. The topics discussed in the workshop are: Empathic Communication: How to communicate effectively and empathetically with cancer patients and their families; Managing Stress and Burnout: How to cope with the stress of caring for oncology patients and how to prevent burnout in the medical field; Psychological Support: The importance of psychological support for cancer patients and ways to provide it; Nutrition and Lifestyle: The role of nutrition and healthy lifestyle in supporting patients during treatment and recovery; Rehabilitation and Quality of Life: How to improve the quality of life of cancer patients through rehabilitation programs and appropriate support.

The Level of Microbial Contamination of Objects Before and After the Use of Various Antiseptic Agents
time 14:00-15:30 offline adress Blocul nr. 6, et. 1 105

The purpose of the workshop „The degree of microbial contamination of objects before and after the use of various agents with antiseptic properties” is to evaluate the effectiveness of antiseptic substances used in medical practice before and after the treatment of various objects and hands.
