
regulation medespera

  • The International Medical Congress for Students, Residents and Young Doctors is the first medical congress in Moldova, organized by the Association of Students and Residents in Medicine (ASRM), whose main purpose is the scientific experience and knowledge exchange of students, residents and young doctors, and strengthening intercultural relations.
  • The Organizing Committee is made up of ASRM members and includes: a President, two Vice-Presidents, a General Secretary, as well as Content manager, Workshops manager, Logistics manager, Social Program, Volunteers, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine No. 2, Honorary President and other functions, depending on the requests/needs of the organizing committee.
  • The Congress will organize the following scientific sessions: Internal Medicine; Surgery; Pharmacy; Dentistry; Public health; Basic Sciences; Ethics, deontology and healthcare; Clinical cases, Peculiarities in optometry, and other sessions depending on their timeliness.
  • The official website of the congress is www.medespera.md
  • The social program is optional and can be selected separately until the first day of the congress (depending on the program and requests).
  • The official language of the Congress is ENGLISH.

  • To register for the MedEspera International Congress, you must complete the following steps:
  1. Registration on the official website as: active participant, passive participant, passive participant with publication or publication only.
  2. Payment of participation according to the data in the Payments chapter.
  3. To complete the active participant registration process, it is necessary to upload the abstract according to the data in the Abstracts chapter, both for participants with posters and oral presentations.
  • The participant is obliged to verify the validity of the data entered when creating the personal account. The data entered by the participant during registration will be used for the creation of Diplomas/Certificates of participation, personalized badges. The organizing committee is not responsible for the correctness of the entered data.


As an active participant:

  • You will have the opportunity to present the scientific work to an international audience, in the thematic scientific session.
  • You will benefit from the welcome kit.
  • You will take part in the abstract competition, workshops and master classes.
  • You will receive an electronic Certificate of Participation as an active participant and EMC credits.
  • You will have full benefit of the social program, plus additional options, upon request, according to the Payments section.

The status of the active participant can be changed, if:

  • The participant's abstract does not meet the originality criteria.
  • The participant's abstract is not selected as an oral or poster presentation. He or she can also participate in the conference as a passive participant.
  • He or she did not upload the abstract within the deadline indicated on the official website. In this case, the person's account is deactivated, and participation in the MedEspera International Congress is cancelled, without the possibility of refunding the money.

As a passive participant:

  • You will benefit from the welcome kit.
  • You will participate in workshops and master classes.
  • You will have full benefit of the social program, plus additional options, upon request, according to the Payments section.
  • You will receive an electronic Certificate of Participation as a passive participant and EMC credits.
  • You will not have the opportunity to present your personal research results at the international conference.


As a passive Participant with publication:

  • You will have the opportunity to publish the results of your personal research, but you will not be able to present the scientific paper to an international audience in the thematic scientific session.
  • You will benefit from the welcome kit.
  • You will participate in workshops and master classes.
  • You will have full benefit of the social program, plus additional options, upon request, according to the Payments section.
  • You will receive an electronic Certificate of Participation as a passive participant and EMC credits.



  • The participant must upload the abstract within the term indicated by the organizing committee, respecting the conditions in the Abstracts section, and it will be found in the book of abstracts, published on the congress website.
  • You will not benefit from the MedEspera 2024 social program
  • Participant will not receive EMC degree and credits.


  1. All medical university students, from first year to residents and PhD students up to 35 years old are admitted to participate in the MedEspera 2024 International Congress.
  2. Entries and abstracts uploaded after the deadline will not be accepted and will not be entered into the abstract book.
  3. After the registration deadline (14 January), participants cannot change their participation form.

  • The scientific committee encourages the presentation of original scientific materials, clinical cases / updated results of previous research, literature review, which have not been presented and published at other congresses.
  • The abstract of scientific papers must be written in English, within the limit of 3000 characters in volume (including blank spaces) and must not contain grids, graphs or images.
  • Abstracts will be accepted only after they have been checked by the ANTI-plagiarism program.
  • An abstract must contain the following chapters:
  1. Original study, literary review: Author, scientific adviser, title, introduction, ba, material and methods, results, conclusions and 2 – 5 key words.
  2. Case presentation: Author, scientific adviser, title, introduction, case presentation, discussion, conclusions and 2 – 5 key words.
  • Introduction: it must contain all the basic data necessary for the research.
  • Aim of study: will clearly reveal the main purpose of the research.
  • Material and methods: will describe the principle of execution of this study, including the materials, methods and statistical criteria used in this particular research.
  • Results: will briefly present the results discovered during the research process.
  • Conclusions: describes the result of the study related to the purpose and background data presented in the introduction.
  • Case presentation: explains why the particular case should be studied. Provides information on physical examination, paraclinical investigation, differential and final diagnosis.
  • An abstract can have one author and at most two co-authors.
  • Authors and co-authors of uploaded abstracts must be students, residents or PhD students up to 35 years of age at the university of medicine.
  • Scientific coordinators can be: university assistants, university lecturers and university professors, who have the title of Doctor of Science.
  • Abstracts must contain the full and correct names of authors, co-authors and scientific coordinators, including scientific affiliation. The participant is fully responsible for the correctness of the entered data.
  • The organizing committee is not responsible for incorrect data entered by the participants.
  • All accepted abstracts will be published in the book of abstracts accessible to all participants on the congress website.
  • The Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject any abstract that does not meet the above requirements, to modify the form of the abstracts presented and to transfer them to another session.
  • The maximum number of scientific papers per registered participant is 2.
  • Areas of activity: You can upload abstracts to the following sections:
    • Internal medicine
    • Surgery
    • Fundamental science
    • Ethics, deontology and nursing
    • Dentistry
    • Pharmacy
    • Public health
    • Clinical cases
    • Optometry, etc



  • Poster must be in .pdf format and 4K format.
  • A poster template will be sent to your email after we get confirmation from the abstract review committee, edit it in PowerPoint and export it to .pdf, ALBUM orientation.
  • The title must be large enough to be seen from a distance of approximately 3 meters.
  • Entrants must use a Times New Roman font, size 28-32 for normal text and larger for subtitles). There should be adequate contrast between the font and the background.
  • Each illustrative object (image, figure, graph, diagram, table) must have a title or brief explanation and a legend.
  • It is recommended that all irrelevant details be removed so as not to overload the poster with information.
  • All posters must be made according to the template provided by the MedEspera 2024 organizing committee.
  • All posters will be collected at least 7 days before the presentation session by the responsible person.


  • Positively reviewed posters have the right to be presented during the Congress and will participate in the competition.
  • All posters are presented orally.
  • The poster presentation will last up to 5 minutes and the discussion will last another 2 minutes.
  • Presentations that exceed the above mentioned time frame will be interrupted by the session coordinators.
  • All authors must submit the paper in English. The author is obliged to participate in the discussion after the presentation is over. Co-authors are allowed to present and participate in the discussion.
  • The results will be announced at the closing ceremony, as will the awards for the top places.

  • If the number of papers for a given session does not meet this requirement, the organizers will transfer them to a session that is most closely related to the topic.
  • If the number of presentations exceeds a maximum of 20, the section is divided into two.
  • The scientific committee is made up of recognized specialists: university lecturers, university professors, medical practitioners and researchers.
  • Positively reviewed articles have the right to be presented during the Congress and will participate in the competition.
  • The coordinators of a special meeting have the right to exclude a scientific paper from the competition if the person registering an abstract or presenting a paper does not comply with the regulations.
  • The scientific works are presented orally, based on a powerpoint presentation, according to the template provided by the organizing committee.
  • The presentation must be sent to a session coordinator, before the deadline set by the coordinator. All animations and sound files are attached by the authors at their own risk.


  • The presenter in an oral session has 7 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for discussion.
  • Presentations that exceed the above mentioned time frame will be interrupted by the session coordinators.
  • All authors must present the paper in English and answer the questions. The author is the one who presents the work and is obliged to participate in the discussion after the presentation is over. Co-authors are allowed to participate in the discussion.
  • The results will be announced at the closing ceremony, as will the awards for the top places.

  • The Congress will organize various workshops, for which all active and passive participants can register on the MedEspera website.
  • All workshop registrations will be open after the application and payment deadline and will be held within the limit of available places!
  • Each workshop has a maximum number of participants, and once it has been reached, the option of this workshop will be removed from the list on the MedEspera website.

  1. Attendance at the official opening ceremony of the MedEspera 2024 Congress.
  2. Attendance at a minimum of 2 lectures and 1 workshop.
  3. Attendance at the official closing ceremony of the MedEspera 2024 Congress.
  4. Filling in the feedback form at the end of the congress.


  • The diplomas will be sent to the email address which the participant registered at the congress. To get your digital diploma, you need to complete the mandatory steps mentioned above.
  • Participation in the scientific activities will be highlighted electronically and will be verified by scanning a QR code by the responsible persons.

  • The day and time will be announced on our website and social media.
  • To register, your account status must be PAID. This means that you must pay the participation fee and then check the payment status update in your account before registration for classes and workshops opens. If there is any problem, please do not hesitate to contact us, at the email addresses or phone numbers indicated in the Contacts section.
  • A special section for registration to keynotes and workshops will open in the account when the registration process begins.
  • All participants who do not register for classes and workshops will be allocated randomly, according to the availability.
  • Only active, passive and passive with publication participants can register for courses and workshops.

  • No payment will be accepted after the deadline.
  • The early registration fee is €50 for passive participants with publication, €40 for passive participants, €30 for active participants and €20 for participants with publication.
  • For late entries, the fees are €60 for passive participants with publication, €45 for passive participants, €35 for active participants and €30 for participants with publication.
  • The price for the Social Program is set by the Organizing Committee and will be announced on the congress website.
  • The fee can be paid by MasterCard or Visa or by bank transfer.
  • The fees include: Entrance to all scientific events during the official period of the congress, entrance to the opening and closing ceremonies, coffee breaks, fourchette, lunch, welcome kit, program book and abstract book for active participants.
  • Refunds: the organizing committee has the right to refuse refunds of the participation fee.
  • The Congress Organizers have the right, at their discretion with prior notice, to change any participation or special fee and/or any payment deadline. These changes do not affect participants who have already paid and received payment confirmation
  • The organizing committee has the right to change the status of the participant if he does not comply with the conditions of the participation form.

  • The registration of a scientific paper is equivalent to the approval of these regulations and consent to the processing of all data provided during the registration of the scientific paper.
  • The MedEspera 2024 organizing committee reserves all rights to use the media materials produced during the event, for the promotion of the Congress and their posting on the official website, but also on the Facebook page of the congress.
  • The interpretation of these regulations and the resolution of any issues not included in the regulations will be resolved by the Organizing Committee.
  • The Organizing Committee is represented by the Association of Medical Students and Residents from Moldova, address: Nicolae Testemițanu 25, email: asr@usmf.md
  • Please be aware that once you have registered your payment, you agree to all the rules set out in this regulation.
  • • The MedEspera 2022 organizing committee reserves all rights to use the media materials made during the event, to promote the Congress and to post them on the official website, but also on the congress Facebook page.

    • The interpretation of these regulations and the resolution of any problems that are not included in the regulations will be resolved by the Organizing Committee.

    • The Organizing Committee is represented by the Association of Medical Students and Residents of Moldova, the address: Nicolae Testemițanu 25, email: asr@usmf.md

    • Please be aware once you have registered your payment, you agree to all the rules set out in this regulation.